Results for 'Abraham Judah Licht'

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  1. Torat ha-ḥinukh.Abraham Judah Licht - 1945 - [Tel-Aviv,:
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  2. Sefer ha-musar: ʻeśrim peraḳim be-ʻinyene ha-mitsṿot ṿeha-tefilot, musar u-midot.Judah ben Abraham Khalaẓ - 1537 - Yerushalayim: Sh. Ḥ. Liberman. Edited by Mosheh Kalats, Abraham Joseph Wertheimer & Israel ibn Al-Nakawa.
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    On the Editing of Mishna EruvinMishna Treatise Eruvin.Judah Goldin & Abraham Goldberg - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):471.
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  4. Sefer Neveh Shalom.Abraham ben Isaac ben Judah ben Samuel Shalom - 1969 - [Farnborough, Hants.,: Gregg.
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    Igrot ha-Rambam: ḥalifat ha-mikhtavim ʻim R. Yosef ben Yehudah.Moses Maimonides, Abraham S. Halkin, D. H. Baneth & Joseph ben Judah Ibn Shim on - 1985 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit. Edited by Ibn Shimʻon, Joseph ben Judah, D. H. Baneth & Abraham S. Halkin.
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  6. Śiḥot rabenu ha-Rav Tseṿi Yehudah ha-Kohen Ḳuḳ ʻal sefer ha-Kuzari, muḳlaṭot ume-shukhtavot.Ẓevi Judah ben Abraham Isaac Kook - 2013 - Bet El: Sifriyat Ḥavah. Edited by Shelomoh Ḥayim Aviner & Judah.
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  7. Śiḥot ha-Rav Tsevi Yehudah ha-Kohen Kuk.Ẓevi Judah ben Abraham Isaac Kook - 2000 - Yerushalayim: ʻAteret Kohanim. Edited by Shelomoh Ḥayim Aviner.
    Haḳdamat Mesilat yesharim, śiḥah 1 -- Mesilat yesharim, śiḥah 2 -- Mesilat yesharim, śiḥah 3.
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  8. The soul in Jewish neoplatonism : a case study of Abraham Ibn Ezra and Judah Halevi.Aaron W. Hughes - 2009 - In Maha Elkaisy-Friemuth & John Myles Dillon (eds.), The afterlife of the Platonic soul: reflections of Platonic psychology in the monotheistic religions. Boston: Brill.
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    The Path to Felicity: Teachings and Tensions in 'Even shetiyyah of Abraham ben Judah, Disciple of Hasdai Crescas.Eric Lawee - 1997 - Mediaeval Studies 59 (1):183-223.
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    The Fear, the Trembling, and the Fire: Kierkegaard and Hasidic Masters on the Binding of Isaac.Jerome I. Gellman - 1993 - Upa.
    This book is an investigation into authenticity, certainty, and self-hood as they arise in the story of the binding of Isaac. Gellman provides a new interpretation of Kierkegaard with select Hasidic commentary. Contents: INTRODUCTION: Background to the Book; Hasidism and Existentialism; Preview of the Chapters; THE FEAR AND THE TREMBLING: Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling; The Problem of Hearing and the Problem of Choice; The 'Ethical' for Kierkegaard; The 'Voice of God' for Kierkegaard; The Resolution of the Problems; THE UNCERTAINTY: Mordecai (...)
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    Etgar u-mashber be-ḥug ha-rav Ḳuḳ.Dov Schwartz - 2001
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    Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish philosophy.Harry Austryn Wolfson - 1979 - Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
    In his monumental Philosophy of the Kalam the late Harry Wolfson--truly the most accomplished historian of philosophy in our century--examined the early medieval system of Islamic philosophy. He studies its repercussions in Jewish thought in this companion book--an indispensable work for all students of Jewish and Islamic traditions. Wolfson believed that ideas are contagious, but that for beliefs to catch on from one tradition to another the recipients must be predisposed, susceptible. Thus he is concerned here not so much with (...)
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    A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages.Colette Sirat - 1985 - Paris: Editions De La Maison des Sciences De L'Homme.
    This book surveys the vast body of medieval Jewish philosophy, devoting ample discussion to major figures such as Saadiah Gaon, Maimonides, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Judah Halevi, Abraham Ibn Daoud, and Gersonides, as well as presenting the ancillary texts of lesser known authors. Sirat quotes little-known texts, providing commentary and situating them within their historical and philosophical contexts. A comprehensive bibliography directs the reader to the texts themselves and to recent studies.
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    Ethical Theories among Medieval Jewish Philosophers.Warren Zev Harvey - 2013 - In Elliot N. Dorff & Jonathan K. Crane (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality. Oup Usa.
    This chapter discusses the ethical views of medieval Jewish philosophers, showing that the varieties of Jewish philosophy in the medieval period defy easy categorization, let alone condensation into a single notion of Jewish ethics. Scholars surveyed include Saadia Gaon, Solomon ibn Gabirol, Bahya ibn Paquda, Judah Halevi, Abraham ibn Ezra, Abraham ibn Daud, Moses Maimonides, Levi Gersonides, Jedaiah Bedersi, Hesdai Crescas, Joseph Albo, and Joseph ibn Shemtob.
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    Naïve readings: reveilles political and philosophic.Ralph Lerner - 2016 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Naive Readings is a collection of nine of Ralph Lerner s essays on an astonishing range of notoriously difficult and complex authors and texts including Benjamin Franklin s secular and his liturgical writings, Jefferson s Summary View, and Abraham Lincoln s various writings on statesmanship before he took office; Bacon s Essayes, Gibbon s writings on Jews, and Tocqueville on Edmund Burke; and finally Judah Halevi s Kuzari, and Maimonides s Guide of the Perplexed. Lerner presents his essays (...)
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    When the Jews Learned Logic from the Pope: Three Medieval Hebrew Translations of the Tractatus of Peter of Spain.Charles H. Manekin - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (3):395-430.
    The ArgumentIt is well known that theTractatusof Peter of Spain (later Pope John XXI) was one of the most popular logic textbooks in the Middle Ages and early Renaissance. Less known is theTractatus'sconsiderable reputation and diffusion among the Jews, as evidenced by five translations, two commentaries, and what appears to be anabbreviatio— if not of theTractatusitself, then of a similar work. The present article attempts to understand the phenomenon of theTractatus'spopularity and offers an analysis of the three translations whose authors (...)
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    Berkeley, Bergson e William James: o empirismo concreto de Franklin Leopoldo e Silva.Pablo Enrique Abraham Zunino - 2024 - Discurso 54 (1):114-124.
    This text proposes an interpretation of the work of Franklin Leopoldo e Silva based on the reading of some of his numerous published articles and books, without neglecting the classes and guidance received from the stage of Scientific Initiation to Postdoctoral studies. Precisely, by highlighting the importance of three thinkers widely studied by Professor Franklin – Berkeley, Bergson and William James –, we suggest that at the heart of this philosophical experience there would be a constant: empiricism. Whether in the (...)
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    Definition.Abraham Kaplan - 1952 - Philosophical Review 61 (2):269.
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  19. Sefer Rav peʻalim.Isaac ben Abraham ibn Latif - 1969 - Lemberg,: Druck von A. Wajdowicz.
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    Why Iberia?María Rosa Menocal - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (3/4):7-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why Iberia?María Rosa Menocal (bio)My first instinct was to correct the title and rename this essay “Why Medieval Spain?” rather than “Why Iberia?” After all, I never say I work on or teach about “Iberia.” And yet the editors have got it just right to signal—using the geographic Iberia instead of the national Spain—that the terrible difficulty of finding worthy names is at the heart of the matter here, (...)
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    Jewish Socratic questions in an age without Plato: permitting and forbidding open-inquiry in 12-15th century Europe and North Africa.Yehuda Halper - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    Yehuda Halper examines Jewish depictions of Socrates and Socratic questioning of the divine among European and North African Jews of the 12th-15th centuries. Without direct access to Plato, their understanding of Socrates is indirect, based on legendary material, on fragmentary quotations from Plato, or on Aristotle. Out of these sources, Jewish authors of this period formed two distinct views of Socrates: one as a wise, ascetic, monotheist, and the other as a vocal skeptic. The latter view has its roots in (...)
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    Jewish Socratic questions in an age without Plato: permitting and forbidding open-inquiry in 12-15th century Europe and North Africa.Yehuda Halper - 2021 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    Yehuda Halper examines Jewish depictions of Socrates and Socratic questioning of the divine among European and North African Jews of the 12th-15th centuries. Without direct access to Plato, their understanding of Socrates is indirect, based on legendary material, on fragmentary quotations from Plato, or on Aristotle. Out of these sources, Jewish authors of this period formed two distinct views of Socrates: one as a wise, ascetic, monotheist, and the other as a vocal skeptic. The latter view has its roots in (...)
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    The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 7, 1925 - 1953: 1932, Ethics.John Dewey, Abraham Edel & Elizabeth Flower - 1985 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    This volume includes all Dewey's writings for 1938 except for Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, as well as his 1939 Freedom and Culture, Theory of Valuation, and two items from Intelligence in the Modern World. Freedom and Culture presents, as Steven M. Cahn points out, the essence of his philosophical position: a commitment to a free society, critical intelligence, and the education required for their advance.
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    El acto fantasmal. Repercusiones políticas del concepto de acontecimiento en la obra de Slavoj Žižek.Abraham Rubín Álvarez - 2013 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 18 (1).
    RESUMENEl concepto de acontecimiento tiene en la obra de Žižek una función predominantemente política, pese a que su realización es deudora de la ontología que el esloveno desarrolla. Una de sus finalidades fundamentales será dilucidar si se puede distinguir entre un acontecimiento y un acto. En caso afirmativo, este último pasaría aconsiderarse com o el modo mediante el cual una subjetividad se relaciona con el acontecimiento. El objetivo que persigue el pensador esloveno es ayudar con esta concepción al desarrollo de (...)
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    Morals, Materials, and Technoscience: The Energy Security Imaginary in the United States.Jessica M. Smith & Abraham S. D. Tidwell - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (5):687-711.
    This article advances recent scholarship on energy security by arguing that the concept is best understood as a sociotechnical imaginary, a collective vision for a “good society” realized through technoscientific-oriented policies. Focusing on the 1952 Resources for Freedom report, the authors trace the genealogy of energy security, elucidating how it establishes a morality of efficiency that orients policy action under the guise of security toward the liberalizing of markets in resource states and a robust program of energy research and development (...)
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    Recherches sur la philosophie et la Kabbale dans la pensée juive du Moyen Age. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):166-166.
    The author is one of the greatest contemporary authorities on Classical Jewish philosophy. He applies his vast scholarship to probe into the inter-relationship between medieval Jewish philosophy and the cabala. The profound and daring speculation of the theosophists of the early cabala did not fail to provoke a violent reaction on the part of Jewish scholasticism, and the two long studies in the present volume try to analyze two cases of such antagonistic relationships. The first of the studies is a (...)
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    Introducing thalassa.Nicolas Abraham & Tom Goodwin - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (6):137-142.
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    The Last Arab Jews: The Communities of Jerba, Tunisia.William M. Brinner, Abraham L. Udovitch & Lucette Valensi - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):134.
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  29. Examen du Prince de Machiavel, Avec des Notes Historiques & Politiques.Niccolò Frederick, Abraham-Nicolas Voltaire, Machiavelli & Amelot de La Houssaie - 1741 - Chez Guillaume Meyer.
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    Dois poemas de ninguém.Paulo Licht dos Santos - 2013 - Discurso 42:267-270.
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    Die Antwort der Debrecener neuen Orthodoxie auf den theologischen Liberalismus in Ungarn.Ábrahám Kovács - 2014 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 21 (1-2):47-68.
    The Response of Debrecen New Orthodoxy to Liberal Theology in Hungary. The Reformed Church of Hungary was not exempt from the impact of various theological schools of Western Europe during the nineteenth century. The historical theological school of Tübingen, the Swiss liberal and moderate theology and the Dutch ‘moderne theologie’ held a great sway on Hungarian Protestantism in particularly Reformed Theology. Parallel to this development another and distinct trend appeared as a response to the challenges posed by liberal theology, which (...)
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  32. Femininity and Masculinity in City-Form: Philosophical Urbanism as a History of Consciousness.Abraham Akkerman - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (2):229-256.
    Mutual feedback between human-made environments and facets of thought throughout history has yielded two myths: the Garden and the Citadel. Both myths correspond to Jung’s feminine and masculine collective subconscious, as well as to Nietzsche’s premise of Apollonian and Dionysian impulses in art. Nietzsche’s premise suggests, furthermore, that the feminine myth of the Garden is time-bound whereas the masculine myth of the Citadel, or the Ideal City, constitutes a spatial deportment. Throughout history the two myths have continually molded the built (...)
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    Ghanaian values in motion: A content analysis of slogans on commercial vehicles in Accra.Abraham Kenin, Vivian Dzokoto, Annabella Osei-Tutu & Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4):378-392.
    Slogans on commercial vehicles are a common sight in Ghana. These material artefacts can provide insight into beliefs and values about the sociocultural, spiritual, and political experiences of life in the contemporary Ghanaian context. In this study, we collected and analysed a total of 438 commercial vehicles’ slogans from 5 main transportation terminals in the Accra metropolitan area. Our thematic analysis of these slogans shows a major emphasis on religious and spiritual values to the extent that most of the recorded (...)
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    Humanism versus theism.Johannes Abraham Christoffel Fagginger Auer - 1951 - Ames: Iowa State University Press. Edited by Julian Norris Hartt.
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    Ethical considerations for protecting the options of subjects in primary epidemic vaccine trials.Arthur L. Caplan & Jerrold L. Abraham - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (5):360-360.
    The recent review by Monrad1 presents several issues about secondary vaccine trials. It lays out the case in which a vaccine has been tested through phases I–III and is being deployed. Subsequently, consideration is being given to conducting ‘trials for another vaccine for the pathogen’. Monrad states: ‘In summary, we may say that researchers have strong prima facie reasons not to conduct a secondary vaccine trial.’ Monrad discusses several factors meriting careful consideration about the need for developing and testing more (...)
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    Dois poemas e quatro exposições, de JG Fichte e HM Enzensberger.Paulo R. Licht dos Santos - 2007 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 10.
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  37. Sefer Ḥaye ʻolam.Jonah ben Abraham Gerondi - 1946
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  38. (1 other version)Yalḳuṭ Sheʻarim le-Rabenu Yonah, zal, mi-Gerondi: ʻarukh u-mesudar li-sheʻarim mi-tokh beʼure Rabenu le-Mishle ule-Avot.Jonah ben Abraham Gerondi - 1939 - Bene Beraḳ: Ṿainer. Edited by Mosheh Yemini.
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  39. Zeraʻ Yitsḥaḳ: meyusad ʻal ha-sheloshah devarim sheha-ʻolam ʻomed ʻalehem:...Torah...ʻavodah..gemilut ḥasadim.Isaac ben Abraham Grahnbohm - 1897 - Kraków: Bi-defus S. Ḥ. Daytsher.
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    Foucault y la ética.Gustavo Mallea, Tomás Abraham & Michel Foucault (eds.) - 1988 - Buenos Aires: Biblos.
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  41. Along the fourth dimension.Joost Abraham Maurits Meerloo - 1970 - New York,: John Day Co..
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  42. El hombre autorrealizado.Maslow Abraham - forthcoming - Kairos.
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    Escenarios de Conflicto y Resistencia En El Espacio Urbano Cordobés.Eliana Isabel Abraham - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 15:462-468.
    El texto presenta un adelanto de un profundo “trayecto” de trabajo colectivo en curso impulsado por un grupo de jóvenes investigadores y docentes que integran el Programa “Problemáticas comunicacionales barriales, organizacionales y políticas. Experiencias de lucha y resistencia a comienzos de siglo XXI en la provincia de Córdoba” (Argentina), desde el año 2011. La sistematización de las distintas experiencias, que presenta el libro, permite poner en común las peculiaridades de los contradictorios escenarios de conflicto y resistencia analizados, organizada en tres (...)
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  44. The Religious Ideas and Social Philosophy of Tolstoy.J. H. Abraham - 1929 - International Journal of Ethics 40 (1):105-120.
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    'A Gentle Death? A Christian View of Euthanasia, 109-110'A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Suicide', 279-280.Abraham S. Abraham, Judith Abrams, Steven Abrams, Sura Al-Ahzab, Sura Al-Bakara, Gad Al-Hak, Sura Al-Hegret, Sura Al-Nahl, Sura Al-Omran & Sura Al-Sura - 1997 - Bioethics Yearbook: Volume 5-Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1992-1994 5:289.
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    Cyberspace and the Ecotopian dream.Ralph Abraham - 2000 - World Futures 55 (2):153-158.
    (2000). Cyberspace and the Ecotopian dream. World Futures: Vol. 55, Challenges of Evolution at the Turn of the Millennium: Part III: The Chllenges of Globalization and Sustainability, pp. 153-158.
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  47. Chaos in brain function.F. D. Abraham - 1993 - World Futures 37:41-58.
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  48. Comps. Terminologie zur neueren Linguistik.W. Abraham - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14 (3):435-440.
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  49. Humankind versus others-in-law re-visioning Levinas for a postmodern hierophany.T. J. Abraham - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (2):233-245.
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    India's Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global Proliferation. George Perkovich.Itty Abraham - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):423-424.
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